Flashforward – Season 1, Episode 6 Review

1.06 Scary Monsters and Super Creeps

Happy Halloween

Remember this will be a SPOILER review.

It’s October 31st in the world of flashforward, everyone is dressing up and having a good time, hopefully for one day trying to forget about the flashforwards, no such luck I’m afraid.  This episode addressed one key plot, Lloyd has discovered that Olivia is the woman who was in his flashforward.  Though honestly does anyone really care?  There’s a little bit too much soap elements in flashforward right now.  I like a balance in my shows but the whole Olivia/Mark/Lloyd thing is just too much for my tastes.  The only interesting aspect is that Lloyd is somehow responsible for the blackout.  Without that element, this would be a plot that I would be very disinterested in.

We get a proper introduction into Dominic Monaghan’s character Simon.  He’s certainly very different to Charlie, he has the charm and from his flashforward he’s also very dangerous.  He kills a man by strangling him to death.  I can’t wait to find out more about him and how he and Lloyd are responsible.

Janice obviously survives her shooting but due to complications through surgery will apparently now be nearly impossible for her to get pregnant.  I’m in the camp that you probably can’t change your flashforward, so she’ll somehow get pregnant.  Impossible as a word would be meaningless after the whole world passed out and had a vision of themselves six months in the future.

Dimitri shaken up by the shootout he was in from the previous episode is hell bent on finding out who was behind the attack.  He believes these men are probably responsible for his ‘death’ and wants to find them before they get him.  It seems they’ve found another piece of the puzzle which will obviously lead them to the next.  What is the significance of blue hand?  Who is Ian Rutherford?

For the past few episodes there has been a stall on the overall mystery of the blackout.  There is nothing right now that is grabbing me and keeping my attention.  The character of Simon and his relationship with Lloyd is the only thing that intrigues me at the minute.  The awful fights between Mark and Olivia have to stop.  Get back to Mosaic, get Mark back on the trail because they are ruining their main character by constantly having him bitch about what his wife might do in the future.  Hopefully we’ll get back to what the show should be about, who or what caused the blackout.

Favourite Scene: Not a standout scene really to mention.  Though Simon and Lloyd’s experiment, whatever it is, caused the blackout.

Episode Title Meaning: The episode title is the title track from David Bowie’s 1980 album Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps).

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