Smallville – Season 10 “Lazarus” Review

It’s a bird…it’s a plane…it’s Smallville the final season.

Remember this will be a SPOILER review.

Honestly I didn’t think I would say that I would spend ten years of my life watching Smallville.  Every new season, I always thought it would possibly be its last, cancelled before we ever saw Clark fly or even wear the suit.  Somehow the show has managed to get to the ten year mark and what an achievement that is.  The ratings are not as good as they were in the early years but I applaud the CW for keeping the show on the air.  The show always had a solid fan base and the show deserves to have the right ending.

The season premiere picks up right after the end of season nine, Clark stabbed with a blue kryptonite knife.  On the cusp of death, Jor’El tells Clark that evil is coming and the world needs Clark.  He comes back from near death, unaware that Lois helped him take out the knife.  The pre titles sequence was pretty special and I like that Lois knows who Clark is right now.  That little scene with Clark and Lois in the Daily Planet was funny.  Smallville in the past two seasons become more like the Lois and Clark TV show and that is a good thing.  The chemistry between the two is perfect and the show became a lot more interesting once the relationship between them was addressed.

The main theme of this episode was darkness.  Jor’El doesn’t believe Clark will be the world’s saviour until he gets rid of the darkness that is inside him.  He nearly killed the Lex clone, Clark has always been a very angry character and we know that the future Clark/Superman is not like that.  I guess Clark will not get his suit until he proves to Jor’El that all the darkness inside him has vanished.

It seems Lex had a bit of trouble in cloning himself and his failures were like that scene from Alien Resurrection.  Though the young Lex that Tess finds seems to be perfect, besides the love of burning figurines.  We all know that the real Lex is not dead, we saw that future scene in the season nine finale that he is running for President.  I’m hoping we get to see Michael Rosenbaum before we say goodbye to the show because Lex is Superman’s greatest enemy.

So who are the people who kidnapped Oliver?  Whoever they are, swapped him for Chloe.  I have no clue why but it might have something to do with Chloe putting on Dr Fate’s helmet.

How great was it to see Jonathan Kent again?  His appearance shows how badly Clark needs him.  It was a poignant little scene that showed how important that relationship was.  Though I’m wondering how exactly Jonathan appeared to Clark.

Geeky Thoughts:-

  • The darkness that is coming, we saw a glimpse of what very much looked like the black smoke from Lost will be Smallville’s incarnation of Darkseid.  I assume Smallville’s representation of him will be very different from the comics, just like how Doomsday was.
  • Oh the costume, if we have to wait until the final episode before he puts it on, I’ll go mad.  You might recognise the suit, it is the suit from Superman Returns.

You can say what you want about the show, I have.  It’s had some shit episodes but also some great ones.  When remembered, it will not be one of the greatest TV shows ever.  It is one of longest running science fiction TV series in history and that is something special.  Any TV shows in the future which are based on comic books will have to look at Smallville to see how to do it right.  The show for me has always been entertaining and stayed true to its core.  Now after ten years we all await that moment we’ve been wanting for so long, putting on those blue and red tights.

2 Responses to Smallville – Season 10 “Lazarus” Review

  1. kori Blake says:

    kori Blake Lazarus Smallville
    Clark Lex Jonatha kori
    John Scheider kori Jonatha kent
    Clark Lex love
    kori Blake happy Valley goose bay Smallville

  2. Chris says:

    The suit is from Superman Returns, but I had read that they used a different cape than the movie one.

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